Monday, January 19, 2009

Merry Christmas - 2008

Another year in four paragraphs!

The year started off with a great trip to Isla Mujeres to celebrate the wedding of my niece.  As a a result, I have fallen in love with Mojitos.  Bought me a muddler (also handy at Derby Time), grow mint, and already had fresh limes growing in the backyard for homemade Margaritas.

Besides the Mexico trip, the husband traveled to Iceland and Belgium, and actually, Mexico again.  Mostly he attends board meetings and conferences, sharing information on foreign students and how to analyze their credentials for studying at US universities.

The daughter and her husband moved to NYC, specifically, Brooklyn, in stages.  The daughter left to find a job on Madison Avenue in July, approximately one week before the stock market crashed.  You can imagine what that did for advertising budgets!  The son-in-law journeyed north the weekend that UT BEAT OU:  Remember 45>35.

The son continues his work for the US Congressman.  I complain that he gets to read newspapers and go to parties and parades for a living.

Blessings on all who read this, and may you have good  health, luck, and prosperity in 2009.

It's interesting what we remember in December.

2007 Christmas Letter

Our year in four paragraphs:

The son graduated from college, and after an internship with the Christian Life Commission, began working as an aide to a US Congressman.

In the name of international admissions,  the husband continued his junkets  from coast to coast and even to Germany.

The daughter and her husband continued spinning ideas for their advertising clients and singing with their bands, Honeypot, for girls only, Glory Story, and The Sheeps.

12/30/07 rolled around and we joined the daughter and her husband to celebrate their first anniversary, listening to Dale Watson and playing Chicken-sh*t bingo.

What Did Debra Do?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Bit Disappointed

From the NY Times:  Add Image"The biggest contingent was from Texas, 11 women who had perfected their signature curtsy, the “Texas dip,” which drew gusts of applause from the crowd. The most recognizable name in the pale pink program, which featured full-page black-and-white portraits of the evening’s stars, was a Huffington — Christina Sophia Huffington, daughter of Arianna, the founder of The Huffington Post Web site, and Michael, the oil heir and former California congressman."

Just seems inconsistent for the founder of politically-liberal website.